Leading Industry Experts Share The Secrets To Finding Your Best Position
So you can ride with comfort and communicate effectively.
Here Is Exactly What You Get When You Purchase

Wendy Murdoch - Simple Riding Fixes (25 Min. 43 Sec.)

Paula Curtis - 3 Simple Things You Can Do To Find a Deeper Seat (33 Min. 48 Sec.)

Jec Ballou - Adjusting Your Position to Help the Horse (13 Min. 11 Sec.)

Russ Krachun - Balance Coordination with Human and Horse (39 Min. 31 Sec.)

Mike Hughes - Your Hands On The Reins (1 Hr. 6 Min. 18 Sec.)

Anna Bergenstrahle - The 5 Secrets to Reversing Rider Stiffness, Aches and Pains and Gain a more Supple, Balanced and Confident Seat (51 Min. 14 Sec.)

Carla Bauchmueller - Are You Crooked (25 Min. 47 Sec.)

Callie King - Find Your Most Balanced Riding Position (28 Min. 22 Sec.)

Josh Nichol - Riding to Deepen and Improve Balance in the Horse and Rider (23 Min. 05 Sec.)

Angelo Telatin - Teaching Jump Position Through Grids (10 Min. 24 Sec.)

Alissa Mayer - How to Use a Reset to take your Communication to the Next Level (20 Min. 41 Sec.)

Mary Wanless - The How Of Riding The Canter (54 Min. 16 Sec.)

Amanda Barton - A Breath of Fresh Air (25 Min. 32 Sec.)

Paula Curtis - Stretch To Connect: Ridden Stretching Exercises to Help Find Harmony With Your Horse (22 Min. 22 Sec.)

Cyril Pittion-Rossillon - Make Your Horse Happy With Correct Position (42 Min. 05 Sec.)

Wendy Murdoch - Busting Myths & Misconceptions about Rising Trot
(17 Min. 00 Sec.)

Cyril Pittion-Rossillon - Let Your Horse Be Your Teacher ~ How to Find a Position That Makes Him Happy (42 min. 16 sec.)

Cyril Pittion-Rossillon - Let Your Horse Be Your Teacher and Make Him Happy With Correct Position (42 min. 05 sec.)

Jec Ballou - Vary Your Horses Posture (12 min. 51 sec.)

Paula Curtis - Bounce Less and Find a Deeper Seat (33 min. 48 sec.)

Wendy Murdoch - Simple Riding Fixes (25 min. 43 sec.)

Josh Nichol - Riding to Deepen and Improve Balance in the Horse and Rider (23 min. 05 sec.)
Instant Access To Everything Above
Plus... Additional Masterclasses Added Regularly.

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$74 USD
Learn From These Remarkable Horseman...

Russ Krachun
Inspirational horse trainer and clinician

Mike Hughes
International horse trainer

Angelo Telatin
Associate Professor and Horse Trainer, The Concious Horsemanship

Alissa Mayer
Hanna Somatic Educator, a horse trainer and connection-building specialist

Amanda Barton
BHS Accredited Professional Coach, a UKCC Equine Endurance Coach and a Pony Club Coach

Paula Curtis
Professional Equestrian, Founder of Because of the Horse

Wendy Murdoch
Internationally recognized equestrian instructor and clinician for over 30 years

Cyril Pittion-Rossillon
Co-Director and Instructor Palm Partnership Training Schools

Jec Aristotle Ballou
Horse trainer and top-selling author

Anna Bergenstrahle
International Horse Trainer, Founder of Rider Fitness

Josh Nichol
International Horse Trainer

Mary Wanless
Internationally Renowned Coach and Equestrian

Carla Bauchmueller
Studied firsthand in world renowned programs such as Sally Swift’s Centered Riding® and The Classical German Training System.

Callie King
Callie King specializes in taking a science-based approach to both teaching and training.