Warwick Schiller - Working On Focus - Both Off And Online
May 19, 2020If you don't have your horses focus, it is hard to get much done. In this presentation, Warwick will help you see how to influence your horses focus, both online and off, so that you can make the most of your sessions.
Because of the horse Iām not the person I used to be.
Born in Australia, Warwick Schiller moved to the US in 1990 at the age of 23 to pursue his dream of becoming a horse trainer. His passion at the time was for the sport of reining. He was heavily involved in reining for 20 years, during which time he discovered his next passion, teaching.
In 2010 he started a YouTube channel, wanting to share the idea that if you can understand how horses think, and what causes them to do the things they do, you can eliminate common issues and have a more harmonious relationship with your horse. That YouTube channel now boasts over 18 million views, and spawned an online training website than now contains over 230 hours of real time training of all types of horses and issues.
Warwick now spends his time between teaching clinics in The USA, Australia, New Zealand, The United Kingdom, and Europe, and adding to his video library. In 2018 he took a hiatus from clinics to qualify and compete at his second World Equestrian Games in Tryon, North Carolina, the first being in Kentucky in 2010. He is very excited to be able to present his ideas here at The Art of the Horseman.
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