Dennis Cappel - Essential Groundwork

May 19, 2020

This is groundwork with a purpose.  You will gain confidence, improve your safety. It will raise trust and respect in your horse.   Learn the value of using a "Clear Mental Picture" to establish timing and feel for that special connection between you and your horse.

Because of the horse I see the world in pictures and they have taught me to utilize a Clear Mental Picture in everything I do, including communicating with them. 


Dennis Cappel is an accomplished Trainer, Farrier, and Author with extensive experience in Extreme Mustang Makeovers. He was a 2017 EMM Top 10 Finisher in Fort Worth Texas, 2016 EMM Reserve Champion in Sedalia Missouri, and 2015 EMM Champion in St Louis. He also holds numerous titles in Colt Starting and Ranch Horse competition. Dennis' specialty is helping students to achieve their desired results by creating a pure connection between rider and horse through the use of a Clear Mental Picture. For more information, reach out to Dennis at He will be glad to hear from you.

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