Amy Skinner - Straightening the Crooked Horse Part 2

May 19, 2020

Follow up with Tonka as he progresses, and learn how to use lateral work to develop better symmetry and straightness.

"Because of the Horse..."

I have embarked on a journey to self improvement, and have challenged myself to expand my comfort zone repeatedly.


I am an avid student of the horse and have spent my whole life looking for and developing quality horsemanship.  I have been riding since I was 6 years old, taking lessons whenever and wherever I was able while I moved around with my military family. I have ridden with many incredible horsemen and women, but my biggest influencers have been Theresa Doherty, a student of Egon von Neindorff, and Brent Graef. 


My training program works for all breeds and disciplines and focuses on promoting softness, balance, and relaxation. With classical dressage basics and an emphasis on lightness and relaxation, I believe that any horse can improve given enough time and understanding. Working with the horse’s mind develops confidence, and an understanding of biomechanics develops correct and sound movement. 

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