Paul Dietz is a humble horseman and not "just another" horseman/clinician. Paul's knowledge of horses is exceptional and he is gifted with communication and teaching skills reaching far beyond the average and into the handful of "top professional" horsemen today. He has figured out what he does best and is doing it: teaching people on a very personal level about the incredible journey that can lead to a oneness between horse and rider; developing an effortless, soft connection, the thoughts of the horse and rider becoming one and ultimately leading to directing the horses feet. Paul is in touch with the internal, invisible intent a true horseman must have which initiates the connection between horse and human before any external moves are evident.
Paul rode with Buck Brannaman when he was just 14 years old. Even as a young teen Paul was sensitive to how Buck's horses behaved, " more with him and less distracted ," comments Dietz. Paul did everything he could to ride as often as possible with Buck. His exposure to this horsemanship resulted in a commitment to work with horses for a better change, not only in the horses but also within himself. In time it became clear to Paul that the horses were a mirror of who you are as a person, good or bad as it may be, and that they don't lie. As a result Paul began to change his focus for himself and the type of person he wanted to be. Greatly influenced by Buck eventually the relationship evolved into a 3-year internship with him traveling the country and learning from thousands of horses. That close handed work with Buck, as well as learning from others such as Ray Hunt and Tom Dorrance, proved the foundation and path for refinement of Paul's own horsemanship skills and style.
Because of the horse...
I have found an inner strength, and discipline. I often say behind the horses eye is a window to the soul. Horsemanship and lifemanship it’s all the same . To change the horse you need to change your inner self. It comes from your heart to the horses and gives back ten fold.
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