Jane’s 2019 Presentations

  • What is a horse? What grazing characteristics do they have? What characteristics do they have that make them what they are? = Part of being a better owner and advocate for your horse is understanding the horse for what he is... A horse. A deep dive into how nature intended horses to be.
  • ‘Lifestyle’ factors for domestic horses – what you need to know…  -  Important factors all horse owners need to be aware of and consider.
  • How do horses live naturally - ‘Lifestyle’ factors for free living-horses =  By understanding the lifestyle factors of wild free living horses, we can understand our domestic horses needs better. The best way to keep your horse, and the necessary considerations to do it properly. Jane Myers will teach you the key ingredients in keeping a happy healthy horse.
  • Why do horses eat so much? Why do horses have to have so much food?  =  The nature of the horse requires that he spends the vast majority of his time eating.  Understand the science of what is going on internally, that requires this of the horse.
  • How do horses spend their day? What do they actually do all day? - Horses spend their days much different than a dog, cat or human.  In this informative session you will learn just how different their life is and why.
  • Horses and the land that they live on… - In the wild horses live in a variety of environments, spending time traveling, foraging, and well... being horses.

Jane Myers MSc Equine.

Has been studying and writing about horses for most of her life. 

Carried out a period of research at Edinburg Vet School on the grazing behaviour of horses.

Author of several books about Sustainable Horsekeeping.

Lecturer at The University of Melbourne in Equine Science for 7 years.

Was a recipient of a Winston Churchill Fellowship (2011) from The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust and travelled to the USA and Canada in April 2012 to study sustainable horse keeping management systems in those countries.

Ones her own business Equiculture - Equiculture is all about the education of horse owners and managers on the subjects of better management that takes equine behavior and welfare into account.

Jane Myers


Horses should be allowed to be horses for at least some of their day. In their natural setting equines are an important part of an ecosystem and it is possible to recreate most of that in the domestic situation. We are Equiculture teach horse owners how to do it in a way that is a win - win situation all round - good for horses (by allowing them to carry out close to natural behaviors), good for their owners (by saving them time and money and allowing for more 'quality' time with their horses) and good for the wider environment (by nurturing the land that horses live on - which has untold benefits). All horse owners should take some time to learn about what is important to horses. We at Equiculture teach horse owners around the world how to do just that...

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