⭑Presenter Bio Nick Hill⭑

I am a natural hoof care practitioner. My training started with the use of shoes for horses in June 2003 when I began working alongside qualified FRC farriers who taught me the Cytek method.
I was a farrier with Cytek until 2006, when my training suddenly took a drastic turn because my feelings about hoof care resonated with Jaime Jackson's work and research on wild horses.
In March of the same year I started training with the AANHCP training programme. Besides Jaime, my other mentors included Todd Jaynes and Richard Dewry. My training didn't stop there - I proceeded to travel and shadow other practitioners around Europe in Italy, France and the UK. In 2009, I accepted placement in the Board of directors for the AANHCP alongside Jaime Jackson, Bruce Nock, Ann Corso, and Richard Dewry.
Presently I am a registered instructor with Liberated Horsemanship.
I have traveled around Europe, Africa, America, and Israel holding clinics and teaching other professionals and horse owners to hopefully understand a different way of managing and maintaining their equines.
Over the last five years, I have developed a way to validate the body-to-hooves connection, and I am continuing to show this in clinics worldwide.
Because Of The Horse...
I will continue to try and bring the professionals who work around or on equines to work together for the common good, with the schematics that I use to teach people about the Hoof Wear Patterns and can show everyone how to track and validate the work they do.
Nick Hill’s 2025 Presentations
★Hoof Wear Patterns
HWP schematics are a very useful way to track and validate any work done on hooves or the body.
It’s something that everyone involved with equines should be fully aware of especially if they are hoof care professionals or use any bodywork modality, but also for horse owners so they can track any changes to their horses.
★ Equine Naturalisation
EQ is about making changes to the lifestyle of equines in domestication - to bring a more mental and physical balance in the partnership between humans and equines.