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Meet David Lichman

David Lichman is a 5-Star Master Parelli Professional with a specialty in Liberty Horses.  He has performed in shows all across the continent with his three-horse act, which includes bridle-less riding and riding to music. 

He is the creator of Liberty Outside the Round Pen, a Parelli Mastery Series release. In this 4-DVD set (also available as streaming video), David gives step-by-step instructions on building a connection that resists distractions, enabling students to play at Liberty with exuberance in large open areas.

David is offering a variety of on-line learning opportunities.  Get weekly coaching in an online community, designed as a safe space to share successes and challenges, all for less than $20/week!  There is also a virtual course: “The Heart of Liberty” that guides students to a deeper connection, one that resists distractions and leads to Liberty anywhere - large open spaces, even the beach.  This course has four different tracks for learners at all levels, from beginner to advanced.

Because Of The Horse...

 I am joyful in their presence, longing to return when I'm away, and have had my life enriched by the most talented, loving, and caring students who have joined me on this journey.

David Lichman’s 2025 Presentations


★ Farrier Prep Part 1 - What Your Farrier Wants You To Know  

An interview with a horse-friendly farrier, and some ideas about what to look for when hiring a hoof professional.



★ Farrier Prep Part 2 - Techniques For Horses Challenged By Trimming / Shoeing  

More than just basic hoof handling, some horses require some extra help to get ready for the farrier.


Where You Can Find David Lichman

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