Cat Zimmerman

Cat Zimmerman is a 19 year old mustang trainer located in North Central Florida. Cat trains horses full-time out of her 501c3 Non-Profit Mustang Rescue and Training facility; taking in client horses, gentling mustangs and finding them homes, and helping rehabilitate rescues.
Cat competes in the Extreme Mustang Makeover program annually, and before the age of 18, had earned 6 Championship titles with her 100-day competition mustangs. She travels the country with her team of previously wild mustangs, performing liberty freestyle routines at various Expos and Fairs to promote the trainability of the breed.
Catā€™s mission and passion is to promote the trainability of the American Mustang, and bring awareness to the breed, but she also spends time educating the public on liberty training and mustang gentling through lessons, clinics, and an online membership platform.

Cat Zimmerman
Catā€™s 2022 Presentations
Intro to Liberty: First Liberty Session - 19 min. 24 sec. Day 1 Horsemanship
Have you ever wanted to find something outside of riding-work to do with your horse, that leaves you feeling like you are still growing as a team? Liberty training is a great thing within the horse industry, it gives you a chance to grow with your horse, strengthen communication, clarity, provide engagement, and grow your relationship.
Working with a Young Mustang: First Steps of Groundwork - 23 min. 22 sec. Day 2 Horsemanship
See some of the first steps that I take with a new horse in for training, and follow along to see this newly gentled wild mustang's first groundwork session with me. In this session, we start looking to get her soft, responsive, and more comfortable being handled by people.