Kim Hallin
The process of becoming unbridled requires an intentional (and sometimes guided) disentangling from the webs of external pressure, expectation and judgment as well as internal insecurities, anxiety, fear and self-doubt or criticism. At Unbridled, horses and humans alike have no responsibility other than to be their true selves while honoring the same in one another. From the quiet space of introspection that accompanies this level of authenticity and empathy, a deeply humbling recognition emerges: we are all one. And from there, the healing begins…
Kim Hallin has been on a journey to find “that magical connection with horses” her entire life. From collecting Breyer model horses throughout her childhood, to naming her bike “Midnight” and galloping through the streets of her family’s suburban neighborhood, to reading every book in The Black Stallion series at least a dozen times, to finally learning how to ride real horses at Girl Scout summer camp, to surviving a horrific horseback riding accident in college that left her with a broken neck (but not a broken spirit), to co-founding the first state-wide equine rescue organization in South Carolina to becoming an accomplished trainer specializing in humane methods that uphold the integrity of the horse… to ultimately abandoning almost everything she’d been taught in the horse industry in favor of simply learning to live and work in relationship with horses as fellow sentient beings who evolved to hold immense wisdom and profoundly healing energy.
Kim and her horses now offer a unique brand of equine-inspired learning designed to teach humans more about our own true nature and hidden potential by immersing participants in the experience of, literally, being part of the herd.
Kim Hallin
Kim's 2021 Presentations
Through the eyes of the horse Part 1 - Day 1
Horses evolved over millions of years to have perfect visual capabilities for their natural lifestyle: surviving and thriving in the wide open plains, prairies, and steppes. But how well do the horse's visual super-powers equip it (or not) to cope with life in the domestic world? In this recorded live video training, Kim Hallin shares the latest research on equine vision, providing a comprehensive but easy-to-understand summary of how horses literally see the world (and us!). Topics include equine color vision, sensitivity to light, far-sightedness, blind spots, visual fields, motion detection, acuity, depth perception and more!
Through the eyes of the horse Part 2 - Day 2
Listen in as a dressage instructor, an equine-inspired coach and an animal doula (specializing in end-of-life support for horses and horse owners) process the information Kim Hallin shared in her virtual training on equine vision (Part I of this presentation). This paradigm-shifting discussion will definitely leave you licking and chewing! And, you'll walk away with some incredible ideas about how to improve the relationship you have with your own horse.