What she is about to share with you is what she has distilled over 40 years of professional dance, teaching horsemanship and riding clinics around the world…add with that real life experience testing these principles in her own herd of many rescued and broken horses ending up with a time-tested method.

Leading Industry Experts Share The Secrets To Riding Your Best
So you and your horse can shine!
Here Is Exactly What You Get When You Purchase

Mastering Your Dressage Riding (1 Hr. 04 Min. 32 Sec.)

Half-passes explained from the saddle (18 Min. 30 Sec.)

Develop Trust and Willingness Using Natural Obstacles Part 2 (38 Min. 15 Sec.)

Introduction To Natural Obstacles Under Saddle (30 Min. 20 Sec.)


The Use Of The Rein and Leg Aids (46 Min. 04 Sec.)

Understanding the Hindquarters (19 Min. 09 Sec.)

Bending Your Horse (22 Min. 28 Sec.)

Where Rider Meets Horse and Horse Meets Rider (26 Min. 14 Sec.)

What You Need to Know About How to Work a Cow (36 Min. 33 Sec.)

Why The Panic-Free Horsemanship Method - Part 2 (31 Min. 31 Sec.)

Why The Panic-Free Horsemanship Method - Part 1 (29 Min. 10 Sec.)

Your Hands On The Reins Part 2 (30 Min. 57 Sec.)

Your Hands On The Reins (23 Min. 58 Sec.)

Moving into the Hackamore (46 Min. 53 Sec.)

Riding Your Horse In Balance (29 Min. 28 Sec.)

Suppling Exercises (25 Min. 49 Sec.)

Understanding and Improving Lateral Work. (23 Min. 41 Sec.)

Rewarding Riding Presentation Part 1 (34 Min. 01 Sec.)

Rewarding Riding 39 Min. 19 Sec.)

Get On & Get Along (22 Min. 04 Sec.)

3 Steering Exercises You Need in Your Training Toolbox (26 Min. 58 Sec.)

Slowing Down a Fast Horse (Part 2) (18 Min. 47 Sec.)

Working with Draft Horses Under Saddle (23 Min. 35 Sec.)

Preparing for Success from the Saddle (1 Hr. 03 Min. 21 Sec.)

Slowing Down a Fast Horse (21 Min. 01 Sec.)

Exercises For Everyone On A Spooky Or Uneasy Horse (12 Min. 09 Sec.)

Riding Without a Bit For The First Time (16 Min. 14 Sec.)

Dressage Done Naturally How To Make It Fun For You And Your Horse (07 Min. 35 Sec.)

Understanding The Containing Aids (08 Min. 35 Sec.)

Prepare to Position- Forward Thinking Transitions (09 Min. 49 Sec.)

How Horses Body Position Affects Attitude and Movement (23 Min. 46 Sec.)

Combination Turn (36 Min. 30 Sec.)

Introduction to Relational Horsemanship (05 Min. 44 Sec.)

Artificial Aids, How And When To Use Them (10 Min. 17 Sec.)

Bonus - Keep Him Straight So He Can Find His Balance (23 Min. 46 Sec.)

How You Ride Your Transitions Makes All The Difference (10 Min. 05 Sec.)

Learn To Love the Canter (10 Min. 56 Sec.)

Canter Transitions (51 Min. 24 Sec.)

Some Approaches To Backing (34 Min. 12 Sec.)

Quarter Horses In Dressage (16 Min. 07 Sec.)

Contact - What It Is, What It Isn’t, Why We Need It, How to Get It. (26 Min. 45 Sec.)

Riding Shoulder-In (38 Min. 34 Sec.)

Introduction to The Garrocha (28 Min. 19 Sec.)

Riding with the Garrocha (34 Min. 44 Sec.)

Train Outside the Box (19 Min. 09 Sec.)

Developing Softness, Lightness and Response While Riding the Circle (26 Min. 59 Sec.)

Developing The Young Horse From The Saddle (26 Min. 05 Sec.)

Learning To Soften (21 Min. 02 Sec.)

An Introduction to Creating Healthy Movement & Harmony through Contact (24 Min. 27 Sec.)

Relaxed and Supple- Exercises For In The Saddle (39 Min. 43 Sec.)

Clinic in Goodells, Michigan (44 Min. 36 Sec.)

Horsemanship Retreat at Horse Haven in Poplarville (27 Min. 47 Sec.)

Clinic in Shelbyville, Tennessee (1 Hr. 01 Min. 05 Sec.)

Training the WHOLE Horse part 3 (40 Min. 12 Sec.)

Serpentine and Balance Beam Exercise (21 Min. 17 Sec.)

Training the WHOLE Horse part 2 (1 Hr. 33 Min. 25 Sec.)

The Art of The Bridle Horse (21 Min. 17 Sec.)

The Art of the Hackamore (25 Min. 00 Sec.)

Training Plans Your Horse Will Love (55 Min. 43 Sec.)

Liberty Horse Exercises (27 Min. 26 Sec.)

Pole Bending Training (22 Min. 38 Sec.)

Horses That Wont Stand To Mount (22 Min. 20 Sec.)

Riding Balanced Corners (24Min. 22 Sec.)

Obstacle Course Success (1 Hr. 22 Min. 17 Sec.)

Bridle Work Methodology (17 Min. 15 Sec.)

Part 1 - Connecting to the hand (17 Min. 02 Sec.)

Part 2 - Laterals - Shoulder in and Quarters In (18 Min. 53 Sec.)

TQA Sale Horse Warm Up Part 1 (29 Min. 40 Sec.)

TQA Sale Horse Warm Up Part 2 (28 Min. 44 Sec.)

TQA Phase 1 Team Roping Part 1 (36 Min. 15 Sec.)

TQA Phase 1 Team Roping Part 2 (33 Min. 49 Sec.)

TQA Youth Development_ Ranch Roping (24 Min. 08 Sec.)

Riding the Canter-Speeds and Transitions (05 Min. 08 Sec.)

Relaxation through passenger riding (06 Min. 05 Sec.)

Fixing A Lateral Walk And Canter Under Saddle (32 min. 56 sec.)

Canter Departure (16 min. 14 sec.)

Positive Reinforcement: Using Rewards Effectively Without Creating A Cookie Monster (29 min. 41 sec.)

The How Of Riding The Canter (54 min. 16 sec.)

Clinic in Wichita, Kansas (44 min. 25 sec.)

Your Hands On The Reins 3 (50 min. 28 sec.)

Transition to Bitless and Beyond (36 min. 55 sec.)

Ground and Ridden Exercises to Transition to Bitless Safetly (13 min. 48 sec.)
Instant Access To Everything Above
Plus... Additional Masterclasses Added Regularly.

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$97 USD
Learn from these Awesome Horse Trainers...

Natasha Althoff
Natasha Althoff is an Australian Grand Prix Dressage rider, author, entrepreneur, and founder of leading online coaching and education platform, Your Riding Success.

Lynn Palm
For more than 40 years Lynn Palm and Cyril Pittion-Rossillon have provided training for thousands of horses and riders with their dressage principles based teaching methods. With clinics across the US and abroad, the duo also welcome riders to their multi-discipline facility, Fox Grove Farm in Ocala, Florida.

Josh Nichol
Driven by a lifelong passion to connect with horses on the deepest possible level, Josh Nichol has been honing his unique Relational Horsemanship approach to horse training for over two decades. In his early years, Josh studied in the U.S. under world-class mentors who had him starting colts and learning the art of the working cattle horse.

Julie Goodnight
Growing up in the ‘60s on a small horse farm in central Florida, Julie had a connection with horses from a young age. Little did she know that her childhood affinity would blossom into a remarkable career with horses. Now an internationally renowned trainer and clinician, Julie is a rarity in that she has ridden and trained extensively in multiple disciplines, both English and western, working with multiple breeds. Her focus is on classical horsemanship and developing the horse and rider’s relationship.

Kelli Paulson
Kelli teaches you how to develop your presence and to be a leader horses want to follow. By learning timing and feel, how to direct the horse’s feet, and real collection, and putting in the effort, you will make real progress as you learn horsemanship as an art. This foundation, applied to trail obstacles, creates a willing, confident, respectful, responsive horse.

Barbra Schulte
She is a High-Performance Coach, horse trainer, the author of four books, publisher of video blogs and online programs, clinician, speaker, and an honoree in the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame.

Gav Chaplin
For as long as I can remember I have been riding and training horses, and now for the last 30 years I have been coaching others to do the same. Being Dyslexic, I know exactly what it's like to be punished for something that you don't understand and can't do, which is exactly what I experienced in primary school all those years ago. It's an experience that does not enhance your learning ability, but purely diminishes it. And it's that understanding that has been deeply entrenched in how I have developed my training method.

Chris Adderson

Mike Hughes
When Mike was born his mom new a vet who gave Mike a Shetland Pony named Ranger for his birth. When Mike was 4 years old his mom and dad got
a divorce and Mikes mom remaired when he was 6 years old to his step dad Gary. Even though Mikes step dad was not into horses he always made
sure Mike and his sister had horses. When Mike was 10 years old his mom and step dad moved to San Martine next to a cattle ranch where the
people there were very hard and abusive to there horses and the livestock. Mike always new there had to be a better way of working and training
horses. When Mike turned 18 years old he got a lot more involved in horse training and started working with horses that had behavior issues,
rescue horses and starting unbroke horse under saddle.

Jim Hicks
Jim Hicks is an accomplished professional Horseman. He uniquely blends the principles of horsemanship with the movements of dressage to bring out the best in himself and his equine partners.
Over 30 years ago, Hicks and his Wife sought out Ray Hunt, with a desire to learn more about the horse, and Hunt remains one of the greatest influences on the Hicks’ careers.

Britta Schöffmann
Over the years she trained and learned from the world‘s greatest dressage instructors including Willi Schultheis, Harry Boldt and Klaus Balkenhol, who also trained the US dressage team for several years. While Britta successfully competed in tournaments up to Grand Prix level, she taught riding students of all ages and ability classes in addition to her first job as a journalist.

Alice Trindle
Alice Trindle pursues horsemanship that is a bit on the eclectic side. Born into an Eastern Oregon ranching family, her roots are in the traditions of developing a good working ranch horse. However, as the desire to study horsemanship became a passion, she has recognized the necessity of building a relationship with the horse through feel, timing, and balance that comes from an understanding of bio-mechanics.

Karen Rohlf
Karen Rohlf, creator of the Dressage Naturally program, is an internationally recognized clinician who is changing the equestrian educational paradigm. Karen is well known for:
- Her student-empowering approach to teaching
- Her ability to connect with a wide range of horses
- Her virtual courses and resources
- Her ability to create a positive learning environment and community

Hannah Weston
I combine the heart and science of positive horse training techniques to create practical lessons that are effective in overcoming problems, improving your communication and achieving goals, both on the ground and ridden. I do this in a way that is fun and rewarding for both of you. When your horse wants to train and ride as much as you do, it’s the best feeling in the world!

Bronwyn Irwin
Bronwyn started horseback riding at a young age. She took English riding lessons and focused on hunter, jumper, dressage and the pony club. Her English riding and showing experiences landed her a training job at a jumper barn while on summer break from university.

Maddy Shambaugh
Madison Shambaugh, also known as “Mustang Maddy,” is an advocate for America’s wild horses and a 3x Extreme Mustang Makeover Freestyle Champion. Her work has been featured in Horse & Rider Magazine, Cowgirl Magazine, Animal Planet, and O-Magazine. Mustang Maddy is the founder of the Horse-Human Connection Academy, where she teaches compassionate horse owners how to connect with their horses using force-free methods.

Steve Rother
I have traveled across the country over the span of multiple decades building my knowledge of horses and finding ways to impart that wisdom to the hundreds of people who look to me for guidance each year. I was mentored by some of the greats, including Ray Hunt, and as a kid I used to bring my saddle to the sidelines of clinics and wait for the call to ride.

Paula Curtis
Paula Curtis wants her students to have fun and be creative in their riding. “I teach because I want riders to feel what is truly possible. If you can learn more about your horse, what motivates him and makes him interested in what you have to offer, then you can train effectively.” “Riding is about; feel, communication and partnership. Riders need to think from the horses perspective, and work with the horse's mind.” says Paula.

Jack Curtis
Jack Curtis combines the best of quality horsemanship, classical dressage, and centered riding principles, to advance horses and their partners to new heights.

Ben Longwell
Ben grew up riding horses and working cattle on the Western Slope of Colorado. After finishing school, he spent much of his time doing day work for ranches & outfits in the area, learning from the skills and experience of the ranchers. He also spent a year working as assistant trainer at a Quarter Horse breeder in Colorado learning the basics of colt starting and authentic horsemanship.

Michael Gascon
The Horse Guru - Michael Gascon is a 5th-generation world-renowned horse trainer who is taking the equine industry by storm! He is the next big thing in the equine industry and he plans to make it to the top and stay there.

Cyril Pittion-Rossillon
For more than 40 years Lynn Palm and Cyril Pittion-Rossillon have provided training for thousands of horses and riders with their dressage principles based teaching methods. With clinics across the US and abroad, the duo also welcome riders to their multi-discipline facility, Fox Grove Farm in Ocala, Florida.

Jec Ballou
A popular presenter at Midwest Horse Fair, Mane Event, Western States Horse Expo, Southeast Equine expo and nationwide clinics, Jec Ballou delivers straightforward tools to help equine athletes across multiple disciplines. Combining an expertise in horse fitness and dressage, her methods deliver riders measurable success in an environment that prioritizes kindness to the horse.

Russ Krachun
Russ Krachun was raised in Odessa, Ukraine, where his true passion and desire of horses began as a child. It was here that he experienced his first smell of the horse and riding bareback at his Uncle Colin’s farm.

Bryan Neubert
Bryan was raised on his family's ranch near Salinas, California. In his teen years he became friends with neighbor Bill Dorrance. He spent all the time he could with Bill, working with horses and braiding rawhide.

Katrin Silva
Katrin Silva grew up in Germany, where she learned to ride dressage. At age 19, she moved to the Southwestern US and apprenticed with a couple of western trainers before starting her own business. Today, Katrin feels equally at home in both types of saddle.

Carlos Tabernaberri
Carlos Tabernaberri is one of Australia's most highly regarded horse trainers and known internationally for the results he achieves in handling foals, starting young horses, improving the performances of competition horses, and rehabilitating horses who have been abused.

Jason Irwin
Jason along with his wife Bronwyn operate Jason & Bronwyn Irwin Horsemanship. They are based out of Ontario, Canada. Jason teaches twenty-five to thirty clinics a year on a variety of topics including colt starting, horsemanship, liberty training, problem-solving, trailer loading, groundwork, trick work, and more.

David Stuart
David lives on his families cattle station in Central Queensland, Australia and has over 25 years of experience. From starting young horses and dealing with horses with behavioural issues to teaching people the foundations of horsemanship. With a huge amount of experience working with horses and people all over the world, David has visited the continents of Australasia, North America, Europe, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.

Lorie Duff
Lorie Duff is an Internationally renowned Equestrian Clinician, a Foundation Horsemanship Trainer, Provincial Canadian Equine Judge, Equine Business Consultant & Motivational Speaker.
Lorie was born and raised on a scenic dairy farm overlooking the ocean in Topsail, Newfoundland . Lorie credits her parents and “the simple farm life” to how she developed her Philosophy of Horsemanship.

Lyla Cansfield
I came from a traditional horsey background. Early on I developed a love of Dressage, schooling and understanding how to train horses. This led me to study Natural Horsemanship, Horse and Rider Behaviour for 3 years at home in the UK and 2 years in the US. I have been teaching for over 15 years

Missy Wryn
Missy Wryn is an internationally recognized Holistic Natural Horse Trainer and member of the Association of Professional Humane Educators (APHE.org). Specializing in problem & dangerous horses, Missy pioneered the Training the WHOLE Horse® methods on the foundation of DO NO HARM.

Michelle Young
Michelle Young and her coaching program helps students feel empowered and love working with their horses. She teaches students to create a strong foundation, a close connection, and healthy biomechanics. Her approach to training is to develop the entire horse and student with the foundation of quality horsemanship and the principles of Dressage Naturally.

Pat Puckett
Pat Puckett has spent the last 50 years refining his relationship with horses. As a cowboy and
rancher, horses have been more than just a means of transportation. They’ve been partners.
Over the course of his lifetime, Pat has had the privilege to ride with some of the best reinsmen
and cowboys in the West. Early on, he developed a passion for the California Bridle Horse, the
highest compliment you can pay to a horse.

Saskia Gerritsen
My name is Saskia Gerritsen, I am a Riding Instructor and Horse Trainer based in Germany.

Liesbeth Jorna
I help you develop your horses into happy, healthy and successful athletes in a logical, fun, healthy and creative way, while taking your horsemanship skills and riding skills to the next level. I help you to build on your potential and develop yourself into the partner your horse loves.

Scott Phillips
Scott's philosophy is simple: the horse only has one job. It's a job the horse is instinctively great at and can take pride in. That job isn't to be submissive, obedient, nor does it require control. It can be assisted with a soft approach.

Tanja Kraus
Tanja Kraus is a horsemanship practitioner from Coffs Harbour, New South Wales, Australia.
Her passion is to help riders and horses connect through understanding, kindness and practical skills.
Tanja travels worldwide teaching her unique style of horsemanship, and is currently travelling Australia on a ‘Gap Year Tour’ with partner Phil, 4 horses, 3 dogs and a cat!
She enjoys competing in Cowboy Dressage and Ranch, and most recently has become Australia’s fourth Cowboy Dressage Judge

Wade Black
Wade was born on the Stampede Ranch in Nevada, and grew up riding with the buckaroos. At a very young age he was roping, moving cows, and working with the cowboys on the ranch managed by his dad, Martin Black. At age 10, his family moved to Idaho, where they bred, raised, and trained horses for the public

Amy Skinner
I am an avid student of the horse and have spent my whole life looking for and developing quality horsemanship. I have been riding since I was 6 years old, taking lessons whenever and wherever I was able while I moved around with my military family. I have ridden with many incredible horsemen and women, but my biggest influencers have been Theresa Doherty, a student of Egon von Neindorff, and Brent Graef.

Dennis Cappel
Dennis Cappel is an accomplished Trainer, Farrier, and Author with extensive experience in Extreme Mustang Makeovers. His methods are effective in training horses for all disciplines. He was a 2017 EMM Top 10 Finisher in Fort Worth Texas, 2016 EMM Reserve Champion in Sedalia Missouri, and 2015 EMM Champion in St Louis. He also holds numerous titles in Colt Starting and Ranch Horse competition. Dennis' specialty is helping students to achieve their desired results by creating a pure connection between rider and horse through the use of a Clear Mental Picture, his psychology of “Ride Your Picture” guides all aspects of his training. Dennis is known for his extremely effective communication with horses and people to raise both to their highest potential.

Lindsey Partridge
Lindsey Partridge is a 3 time discipline champion at the Retired Racehorse Project Thoroughbred Makeover, Legends Champion of the 2019 Midwest Fair Mustang Makeover, Founder of Harmony Horsemanship, Level 2 Centered Riding Instructor, Equine Canada English and Western Competition Coach, Horse Trainer for feature films, Freestyle Judge, 2018 Versatility Challenge Reserve Champion at Equine Affaire, and 2018 Pro Extreme Cowboy Regional Reserve Champion, Toronto Star nicknamed "Canada's Horse Whisperer," best known for her extreme bridleless performances with her off the track Thoroughbred Trivia Time and the massive blue tarp, taking her horse into the Super 8 hotel, or taking Dreamer at liberty through New York City for Dreamers Day Out. On top of her equestrian career with many extreme cowboy and jumper titles to her name, Lindsey is a Registered Nurse with a BScN specializing in public health and mental health. Lindsey uses her knowledge and research on positive mental health to influence training techniques with horses.

Mary Wanless
Mary Wanless is an internationally renowned coach, who specialises in rider biomechanics. She coaches riders across the entire spectrum from club to Olympic level. She is the author of the ‘Ride With Your Mind’ books, and her most recent book is ‘Rider Biomechanics’ (published in the USA as ‘The New anatomy of Rider Connection’). She has also authored twelve DVDs, and hosts webinars on dressagetraining.tv

Phillippa Christie
Bitless specialist, equine psychologist & author of the world's first guide BITLESS 101, Phillippa Christie (MCMA), can guide you through the bridle basics to discover just how important bridle fit is to your horse.
Whether you ride bitted or bitless, bridle fit has an incredibly important role of your horse’s ability to communicate with you. Discover how simple adjustments to your bridle or switching to bitless could improve your training and performance.