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About Mona Illerbrun

Mona Illerbrun is the owner and facilitator of Partner Up. She lives off grid in the remote picturesque Blackwater Valley 65 km west of Quesnel, BC, with access to several heritage trail networks from her doorstep (AMT, COTT, Canyon Trail, LHTAKO Trail, Musquash Trail).

Mona’s 60+ year connection and love affair with horses began at birth. She found herself always striving to make it better for the horse and this path lead her to the realization that she, as the human, was the key.

At a very young age she was honing her skills energetically and using energy to communicate with horses while at the same time utilizing her curiosity, visual acuity and awareness to decipher what the horse was saying. This led to fluency in horse and her dedication to do “with” her horse instead of “to”.

Mona spends her time during the summer riding in the rugged outdoors and sharing her passion for trail protection/clearing riding.

Over the winter months she uses teaching as a voice for the horse through the delivery of her 60+ hour Partner Up Program which is offered Online. 

The Partner Up Program focuses on building a connected partnership with your horse by increasing your awareness of your horse and what they need from you to become trusting, confident and willing partners and by empowering you to strive to be the best you can be so you are able to be what your horse needs in every moment. Discover your honesty, authenticity and acceptance, gain confidence, kick “foe” fear to the curb, and harness your power using energy.

This is for anyone that has a desire to have: 

  • A better relationship with their horse based on connection
  • A better understanding of the language spoken by the horse
  • A better understanding of themselves and how the horse interprets their language
  • A clearer understanding of energy (human's and horse's) and how to use it
  • A confident, willing, go anywhere horse
  • More confidence for both rider and horse
  • A greater understanding of the anatomic connection between horse and rider

Mona's 2024 Presentations

The owner and facilitator of the Partner Up Program introduces herself and talks about what you will learn in this 60 hour program and why it is important if you want to build a strong connection with yourself and your horse. 

What Is My Horse Saying? Part 1  
Part 1 of What is my horse saying? All too often we miss the subtle clues of the language of the horse and this leads to conflict, no answers and escalating behaviours from the horse. This tends to make it a horse problem instead of a human ignorance problem.

What Is My Horse Saying? Part 2 
Part 2 of What is my horse saying? All too often we miss the subtle clues of the language of the horse and this leads to conflict, no answers and escalating behaviours from the horse. This tends to make it a horse problem instead of a human ignorance problem.

Horse Vision 
This video provides insight into the role vision plays in a horse's behaviour and sense of safety. You are immersed into looking at the world through your horse's eyes. This will forever change your mindset and way of being around your horses.

Where You Can Find Mona Illrbrun