Leading Industry Experts Share Their BEST Liberty Secrets
Here Is Exactly What You Get When You Purchase

Free Style Jumping (09 Min. 43 Sec.)

Spook Busting at Liberty (11 Min. 46 Sec.)


The Power of Positive Reinforcement Training 2 (20 Min. 18 Sec.)

Connecting with a New Horse at Liberty (Part 2) (19 Min. 01 Sec.)

Connecting with a New Horse at Liberty (Part 1) (23 Min. 17 Sec.)

The Power of Positive Reinforcement Training 1 (15 Min. 41 Sec.)

Getting Prepared to be Caught- What to do With a Hard to Catch Horse (57 Min. 44 Sec.)

Liberty and language; “Come” on Command (07 Min. 11 Sec.)

Creating the Pure Liberty Bond (12 Min. 59 Sec.)

Creating a Friendship with Your Horse Through Pure Liberty (24 Min. 52 Sec.)

Harmony in Movement at Liberty (10 Min. 45 Sec.)

Introducing Your Horse to the Foundation Skills (45 Min. 29 Sec.)

Bridging body language to basic voice commands (14 Min. 15 Sec.)

For The Love Of Horses (19 Min. 53 Sec.)

How Liberty Training Develops Your Riding (28 Min. 59 Sec.)

Intro to Liberty_ First Liberty Session (19 Min. 24 Sec.)

Sheridan Liberty Rider (16 Min. 23 Sec.)

Jumping at Liberty (27 Min. 32 Sec.)

Sheridan Liberty Rider 1 (26 Min. 18 Sec.)

Liberty Training (19 Min. 41 Sec.)

Making You the Sweet Spot (26 Min. 45 Sec.)

Overcoming Obstacles Liberty Language Life Lessons (11 Min. 57 Sec.)

How Liberty Training Develops Your Riding (20 Min. 16 Sec.)

Liberty Pre-Requisites (18 Min. 17 Sec.)

OTTB Liberty Restart (33 Min. 34 Sec.)

Bridleless Riding (37 Min. 49 Sec.)

Friendship with Your Horse - A New Kind of Liberty Work (22 Min. 38 Sec.)

BONUS Harmony in Movement at Liberty (10 min. 45 sec.)

Creating a Friendship with Your Horse Through Pure Liberty (24 min. 15 sec.)

Creating the Pure Liberty Bond (12 min. 59 sec.)

What does Your Horse Really Like (7 min. 47 sec.)

Spook Busting in the Saddle (10 min. 34 sec.)

Whoa Instead Of Go (8 min. 59 sec.)

Getting Prepared to be Caught- What to do With a Hard to Catch Horse (57 min. 44 sec.)

How Liberty Training Develops Your Riding (20 min. 16 sec.)

How to Develop the Best Liberty (28 min. 59 sec.)

Clinic in Shelbyville, Tennessee (1 hr. 1 min. 45 sec.)
Instant Access To Everything Above
Plus... Additional Masterclasses Added Regularly.

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$77 USD
Learn from these Awesome Horse Trainers...

Andrea Wady
Andrea has been on a journey with horses for the last 45 years. From a junior show jumper who wanted to win at all costs, to a lost and confused trainer driven by dominance and the need to succeed.

Anna Twinney
She is best known for her authentic communication and connection to heal the hearts of horses and humans alike.

Bryan Neubert
Bryan was raised on his family's ranch near Salinas, California. In his teen years he became friends with neighbor Bill Dorrance. He spent all the time he could with Bill, working with horses and braiding rawhide.

Caroline Beste
Caroline Beste, of Tao of Horsemanship, is an internationally recognized rehabilitation specialist and holistic horse trainer. She is best known for her revolutionary style and intuitive approach to teaching people and training horses.

Cat Zimmerman
Cat Zimmerman is a 19 year old mustang trainer located in North Central Florida. Cat trains horses full-time out of her 501c3 Non-Profit Mustang Rescue and Training facility; taking in client horses, gentling mustangs and finding them homes, and helping rehabilitate rescues.

Lindsey Partridge
Lindsey is a Registered Nurse with a BScN specializing in public health and mental health. Lindsey uses her knowledge and research on positive mental health to influence training techniques with horses.

Lynn Palm
For more than 40 years Lynn Palm and Cyril Pittion-Rossillon have provided training for thousands of horses and riders with their dressage principles based teaching methods. With clinics across the US and abroad, the duo also welcome riders to their multi-discipline facility, Fox Grove Farm in Ocala, Florida.

Missy Wryn
Missy Wryn is an internationally recognized Holistic Natural Horse Trainer and member of the Association of Professional Humane Educators (APHE.org). Specializing in problem & dangerous horses, Missy pioneered the Training the WHOLE Horse® methods on the foundation of DO NO HARM.

Rebecca Dahlgren
My name is Rebecca Dahlgren, 40 year old, living in Sweden. I have been playing in Liberty with my horses for all my life. Even though I also like to do jumping, dressage and Cross country training with my horses. In my Liberty training im influenced by Christofers academic dressage and focusing to create a relaxed dressage education even in Liberty. Me and Christofer been running the company HorseVision Sweden, for almost 20 year. Working full time as horse trainers and riding instructors.

Russ Krachun
Russ Krachun was raised in Odessa, Ukraine, where his true passion and desire of horses began as a child. It was here that he experienced his first smell of the horse and riding bareback at his Uncle Colin’s farm.

Russell Higgins
Russell is based in New Zealand and has been teaching horsemanship clinics and starting horses professionally since 1999 both in New Zealand and (until the Pandemic) all over the world. He is a regular clinician and demonstrator at New Zealand’s premier equestrian events and is particularly known for his amazing liberty demonstrations in the night shows with his team of bay geldings. He owns and runs Brumby Farm Horsemanship Centre with this partner, Ruth, where they teach all aspects of horsemanship from liberty to lead changes, but always with a focus on understanding how horses learn and develop both mentally and physically.

Suzy Deurinck
Suzy isn’t a regular horse woman and didn’t grew up riding horses. It was only at a later age that she was introduced to them. This is uncommon in the horse world, but gives her a different look at the way things are done. She is a trailblazer in the field of choice and control for horses in training. She works with positive reinforcement and targets, and tries to stay away from aversives when possible. After all, emotional welfare is at least as important as physical welfare.

Maddy Shambaugh
Madison Shambaugh, also known as “Mustang Maddy,” is an advocate for America’s wild horses and a 3x Extreme Mustang Makeover Freestyle Champion. Her work has been featured in Horse & Rider Magazine, Cowgirl Magazine, Animal Planet, and O-Magazine. Mustang Maddy is the founder of the Horse-Human Connection Academy, where she teaches compassionate horse owners how to connect with their horses using force-free methods.

Michael Gascon
The Horse Guru - Michael Gascon is a 5th-generation world-renowned horse trainer who is taking the equine industry by storm! He is the next big thing in the equine industry and he plans to make it to the top and stay there. He's known for training the untrainable, riding the unridable, and doing the impossible with horses all around the world as well as being a Champion Colt Starter. Although Michael has been titled the #1 Gaited Horse Trainer in the World due to his success with the Paso Fino breed (over 50 National Championships), his desire to make a difference in the equine industry and to become the best all-around horse trainer in the world has challenged him to advance his skills and specialties to be applied to any breed. From a pony to a Percheron and anything in between, there’s no problem too big or too small, The Horse Guru can handle them all! Not only do his horse clients vary by breed and discipline, but his owner clientele varies by country, riding ability, discipline, and ultimate equine goal for their four-legged partners. He is also an equine viral video sensation and has over 300 MILLION views on his social media videos!!!