Finding Your Best Health And Wellness
So you can be your best YOU!!
Here Is Exactly What You Get When You Purchase

Paula Curtis - tretch To Connect (22 Min. 22 Sec.)

Kate Fenner - Eat, Ride, Love – a holistic approach to rider health and fitness (20 Min. 35 Sec.)

Alissa Mayer - Part 4 - Somatics for Riders (49 Min. 59 Sec.)

Liz Roos - Preparing the Canter: Are you good in your body and mind? (32 Min. 34 Sec.)

Heidi Blackman - Yoga for Riders (38 Min. 14 Sec.)

Heidi Blackman - A 30 Min Yoga Class for Riders (30 Min. 20 Sec.)

Jenny Pim - An Introduction to Equestrian Tai Chi! (21 Min. 48 Sec.)

Alissa Mayer - How to Use a Reset to take your Communication to the Next Level - The 5-Steps of PHASING & PHRASING with Alissa Mayer EHSE-C (33 min. 34 sec.)

Alissa Mayer - The Secret to Straightness (19 min. 22 sec.)

Alissa Mayer - The Secret to Pain-Free Riding (42 min. 17 sec.)

Alissa Mayer - How to Use a Reset to take your Communication to the Next Level (11 min. 50 sec.)

Alissa Mayer - PHASING & PHRASING - How to Use Strategic Intention (20 min. 41 sec.)

Alissa Mayer - The Secret to Effortless Riding Posture (33 min. 34 sec.)

Anna Bergenstahle - The 5 Secrets to Reversing Rider Stiffness, Aches and Pains and Gain a more Supple, Balanced and Confident Seat (51 min. 14 sec.)

Alice Trindle - BONUS Chakra Balancing Part 3 (23 min. 13 sec.)

Alice Trindle - Final Word (5 min. 17 sec.)

Alice Trindle - Love Lessons ~ The How (14 min. 21 sec.)

Alice Trindle - Journey Into Energy Work And Reiki (18 min. 25 sec.)

Jenny Pim - Equestrian Tai Chi! Part 2 (20 min. 59 sec.)

Piper Klemm - Buying Your Horse: "Moneyball: Making the Most of Buying and Selling Horses (26 min. 46 sec.)

Piper Klemm - Horse Sales: "Moneyball: Making the Most of Buying and Selling Horses - Part Two" (14 min. 25 sec.)
Instant Access To Everything Above
Plus... Additional Masterclasses Added Regularly.

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$27 USD
Learn from these Remarkable Trainers...

Liz Roos
Southern Cross Equestrian Art
Reitschule Teltow

Heidi Blackman
A 500-hr ERYT yoga instructor and founder of Equisol Retreats

Dr. Piper Klemm
The owner and publisher of The Plaid Horse

Alissa Mayer
Hanna Somatic Educator, a horse trainer and connection-building specialist

Kate Fenner
An Equine Scientist (BEqSc (Hons), Charles Sturt University), PhD candidate (Sydney School of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney)

Paula Curtis
Professional Equestrian, Founder of Because of the Horse

Jenny Pim
Hi, I’m Jenny Pim!
I’m the Founder and Creator of Equestrian Tai Chi. I’m a Certified Tai Chi Instructor Registered with the Tai Chi Union For Great Britain and a Certified Riding Coach With Horse Sport Ireland.

Anna Bergenstrahle
Anna Bergenstrahle, MSc Exercise Science, MSc Equine Science
I help riders with stiffness, aches and pains go from “OW” to “WOW”
Everybody knows the quote: “Show me your horse and I show you who you are.” We also often say that horses are like a mirror. While most of us refer to our inner being when it comes to these statements, of course the same is true for our bodies. In riding horses we take on an immense responsibility to make sure that when we communicate with them, we are as clear and precise as possible, and when we are stiff, have movement restrictions, when we are guarding our back, when we are crooked, when we are asymmetrical…we are asking our horses to compensate for us, we are asking them to “put up with” our bodies being less than comfortable to carry.

Anna Twinney
Anna is an International Equine Linguist, Natural Horsewoman, Clinician, Speaker, Animal Communicator, Holy Fire®Karuna Reiki Master and the founder of Reach Out to Horses®. She is recognized in the industry for her unique and effective, collaborative training methodologies. For more than 2 decades she has brought her highly successful, gentle approach to thousands of people and horses from all walks of life and equine disciplines. She has conducted clinics, classes and training sessions across the globe including the UK, Europe, China, Morocco, Mongolia, Costa Rica, the Caribbean, Australia, NZ and throughout the entire U.S. and Canada. Anna has been involved in animal rescue for over 30 years and has been heavily involved in the rescue and protection of the American Wild Horse. She has assisted in the rescue, training and healing of thousands of horses and has helped to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the horses in need and the organizations that share her passion for our majestic planetary companions.